Nice to meet you!

I’m a wife and mama to 3 precious kids. The birth of my oldest, almost 8 years ago, sparked my love and passion for pregnancy and birth. During my pregnancy I couldn’t get my hands on enough birth education. I had a doula for the birth, and afterwards, my husband and I agreed that everyone should have a doula! She was wonderful. With my second and third, I had the most empowering and peaceful home births and that’s when everything shifted for me. I knew I had to help other mamas feel empowered and supported so they too could have the birth of their dreams.

It doesn’t matter where you give birth but I hope and pray you feel seen, loved and heard.

My goal in being your doula is to cheer you on, to support you as you trust your body and intuition.

That you know your options and have all the tools necessary to make the best decision for you and your baby.

Being invited into your sacred birth space and being able to support and love on you during such a treasured season of life is such an honor and I don’t take it lightly! I cannot wait to meet you!